Teeth Whitening

What is the teeth whitening process?

If you’re not happy with the color of your teeth, the simplest, most cost-effective way to a better smile is with teeth whitening in NYC. When you visit us for teeth whitening in Hudson Yards, New York, you will be amazed by how easy the process is.

First, your dentist will evaluate you to determine if you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening. People with healthy teeth and gums and a yellowish tone to their teeth respond best to teeth whitening. Also, children under 16 and pregnant women should avoid teeth whitening, as should those with allergies to whitening gel or those with front restorations that are discolored (teeth with artificial restorations do not whiten with the bleaching gel). We opted not to use laser whitening because we have found with experience that it can lead to sensitivity and the heat causes irritation of the lips. The whitening product has an activating agent so no laser is necessary.

In-office teeth whitening is usually a 1.5-2 hr process. Patients can expect to lighten their smile and get unto 3 shades lighter. We offer in-house with take home treatment, to adjunct your treatment so you can keep your results for much longer.

Take-Home Whitening Trays

Your dentist will take impressions of your mouth to create custom-made bleaching trays for you. A dental lab will create the trays using precision technology. When you return to the dental office pick up your trays, your dentist will give you the professional bleaching gel along with instructions for home teeth whitening nyc.

You will use these bleaching trays at home each day for about 60 minutes. It typically takes about two weeks until you notice your brighter, whiter smile. With the lively energy in NYC, we at Luxe Rx Dental and Wellness Sudio try to give you a bright smile as easy as possible.

Call our office if you have any further questions or would like to schedule your appointment.